Young Nigerian Student Who Coached Over 600 Applicants Across 22 Countries Makes A Stunning Discovery…
For many years, admission committees have quietly used a little-known checklist to decide who gets in and who doesn’t.
Now, I’m here to show you how this checklist could boost your chances of acceptance in 2025.
Hi, I’m Collins, and what I’m about to share might shock you.
If you’ve been rejected by American universities in the past two years, it’s not your fault.
There is something else at play.
Take a look at this:
In 2023, international graduate student enrollment surged 21% over the previous cycle.
But for undergraduates like us? The story was completely different.
As you can see, we had the least recorded growth for the whole year.
And in 2024, things got even worse.
While graduate enrollments continued to rise, undergraduate numbers took a crazy nosedive.
Do you now see that there’s a hidden factor at play?
Think about it for a second.
Every year, many young students are deliberately rejected without ever understanding why.
Yet, everyone makes them feel like there are simply not enough seats.
So they try again, repeat the same mistakes, and the cycle continues.
Maybe you’re one of them.
You’ve opened that dreaded “we regret to inform you” email and asked yourself, what went wrong?
But what if there’s nothing wrong with you or your profile?
What if your grades are good enough?
And what if there’s something else—something no one has ever told you—that’s quietly reshaping college decisions?
For the first time in decades, American colleges—including the Ivy Leagues—are using a little-known “checklist” to screen ALL applicants.
As much as I hate to admit, this goes beyond the grades on your transcript.
It is a lens that shows admissions committees who you truly are, and yet, most students don’t even know it exists.
But that changes today.
In this brief letter, I’m going to reveal how this checklist helped me go from zero to securing over $190,000 in scholarships.
I’m also going to show you how you can boost your chances of acceptance with this checklist.
And finally, I’m going to share my counterintuitive approach to crafting essays that are honest, memorable and impossible to ignore.
And don’t worry—this isn’t about cheating the system.
It’s all about giving admissions committees the insight they need to say yes to you.
So if you feel like the odds are stacked against you—or you’re simply not getting the results you deserve—I want you to pay close attention.
Thanks to a groundbreaking report from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, a new approach to US college admissions has been unveiled.
And buried in this report is the shocking new checklist that’s driving this change.
As we speak, Deans across the country are already embracing this checklist.
Stu Schmill, Dean of Admissions at MIT, agrees:
“In response to the report and the [checklist] it addresses, we’ve made changes to our admission policies”
Jeremiah Quinlan, Dean of Admissions at Yale says:
“Yale would be making changes to emphasise the [same checklist].”
William R. Fitzsimmons, Dean of Admissions at Harvard, even admits:
“Every year we look at our application questions, so we’re looking at the possibility of adding a question that might be relevant to this [checklist]”
But they’re not the only ones making moves.
According to Professor Howard Gardner:
“Several campuses are re-examining their practices and hoping that applicants will focus more on [the new checklist]”
That’s because it highlights the new quality colleges now see as the gold standard for applicants.
Unfortunately, despite wide coverage by The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, most international students don’t even know this checklist exists.
Why not?
Every year, a new wave of “experts” shows up claiming to know exactly what colleges care about.
And usually, they’re dead WRONG.
That’s why I had to get this letter to you before it’s too late.
Few years ago, I started out just like you—praying and hoping that everything would work out.
I used many ‘proven’ templates but they made my essays wack and predictable.
As a result, I kept stacking up rejection letters until I discovered this checklist.
Despite multiple denials, I used it in my next five applications—and boom! I secured over $190,000 from two private universities.
That was when I knew I was onto something big.
Armed with this checklist, I’ve empowered regular students like you to:
☑ Break 30-year athletic records.
☑ Get accepted into top universities.
☑ And achieve their study-abroad dreams!
Take Esther for example.
She thought she would never stand a chance with her SAT score... (a decent 1230 by the way.)
But taking a look at her profile, I knew grades weren’t the issue.
Like many international students...
She was bearing the weight of unrealistic expectations.
So I taught her two things:
How to detach her self-worth from application outcomes.
And how to leverage the secret checklist in her essays without retaking the SAT.
Six weeks later, her letter arrived.
She earned a spot at Claflin University with merit scholarships!
When I asked Esther how she felt about it, she sent me a clip saying:
Then there’s Elizabeth.
She wasn’t a “top” student but she made history as the first Nigerian signed to the Campbellsville Women’s Soccer Team.
You might think, Well, she had the talent, but I tell you, talent alone isn’t enough.
Despite her skills, she faced crushing rejections from two liberal arts colleges.
But just few weeks after using this checklist in her essays, she got accepted into two schools in Texas and Alabama — with merit scholarships.
And today, she’s one of just 7 students on the NJCAA All-Academic Team!
And then there’s Kelvin.
He poured a huge chunk of his savings into application fees only to face rejection after rejection.
So I showed him how to apply for waivers strategically and use the checklist in his application.
Guess what?
Not only did he secure admission to a school in the U.S....
He also got accepted into a German University for his 36-month program!
Kelvin was so thrilled, he shared this with me afterward:
Bear in mind that these aren’t Legacy students with some hidden connections.
They were all just like you.
As a matter of fact, these students never had ‘perfect’ grades or lengthy resumés...
But they had decent profiles, big dreams and the right checklist to boot!
You may be wondering, “Does this checklist really work?” Well, the answer is yes.
But it’s not magic. Like these students, you still need a decent profile and strong ambition to go after your dreams.
While this doesn’t guarantee a yes from every school, it’s the closest thing to giving yourself a real edge, no matter your grades or where you come from.
Best of all, you don’t need to be an extraordinary writer to make this work.
I’ll prove it to you in just a moment.
But first, let me briefly explain...
How I Went From Zero to Securing $198,000 in Scholarships With A “Dean-approved” Checklist.
Hi, my name is Collins.
You probably don’t know me, but there’s a good chance I’ve helped at least one applicant from your country.
Surprisingly, you won’t find me flaunting on blogs or in the media.
That’s because I’m focused on helping students like you write essays that can actually transform their lives.
But it wasn’t always like this, you know?
Days after my graduation, I got hit with a ’C’ in Use of English Language.
With that grade, I thought my study-abroad dreams were as good as dead.
It was nothing but a nightmare!
Needless to say, I started my journey with a mix of anger and confusion.
I signed up for random newsletters and tried every tactic I could possibly think of.
Then one day, I called an admissions office, and a lady named Whitney answered:
“Sorry, we can’t ‘fund’ your education Collins, but we might offer scholarships to help reduce the cost.”
A few months later, I took the SATs, determined to make that happen.
I sent an application to Tulane University, but unfortunately, I was not accepted.
My next shot? Rejected.
Even Whitney’s school turned me down.
As my hope began to fade, my parents hired an advisor who helped with my applications.
Thanks to him, I received $14,000 from both Western Illinois University and Arkansas State University.
For the first time in my life, I began to feel like everything would work out… till it crashed.
Just as everything seemed to fall in place, my visa application got rejected.
That day, my parents couldn’t stand the disappointment. So they fired the advisor and left me to figure things out alone.
Then I became my own support system.
After losing both scholarships, I promised to figure out a way to earn them back.
Luckily, I came across a strange Harvard report while digging into college trends.
Nestled in that report was a checklist that challenged everything I knew about college admissions.
I leveraged this in my next five applications and the results were unbelievable.
Not surprisingly, I got rejected by the first two colleges, and got deferred by another.
But then, a catholic university in Pennsylvania offered me an eye-popping award of $20,500 over four years!
But just when I thought it was over, my phone beeped about two weeks later.
Guess what I saw?
A $116,000 Cheque From Another Catholic University!
Seton Hall offered me a $23,000 scholarship... the $4,000 award (you see below)... and an extra $2,000 in aid... all renewable for four years.
In total, my scholarships for that cycle came down to $198,000!
I was so stunned that I sent them a thank you note and asked if it was real.
Few moments later, Samantha replied:
It was unbelievable. Earning over $190,000 in scholarships felt like winning a million dollars at the time.
But despite my low profile, the news began to spread.
Soon after, CEOs and college consultants began reaching out to me.
One of them, a former colleague, said:
“Collins is one hell of a pro when it comes to college applications. Even though I work as a CMO for a study-abroad agency, I still seek his advice for my clients” — Jennifer Ike, CMO at Premux Education.
Today, I’ve been privileged to share insights with students across 23 countries from Russia to Uzbekistan and Zambia.
As you’d expect, we’ve had tremendous wins…
And unfortunate losses.
But what’s even more remarkable is the feedback from these students.
Nemat, a young Sudanese said:
“I used to think applying to American universities was impossible but you proved me wrong. With your help, I realised that it wasn’t as hard as I thought. Now I know what I need to do and I feel much closer to my goal.”
Elizabeth from FGC Odogbolu wrote:
“I can’t believe that you’ve led me throughout this journey, from start to finish. You have been very instrumental to my personal growth and development.”
Ajoke from Abeokuta said:
“You are definitely a life saver! Your feedback has greatly improved the clarity and structure of my essays. Honestly, I’m not the type that loves to write. But looking back now, I’m shocked by the level of progress I’ve made and it’s all thanks to you!
Another student wrote in to say:
“Thank you for helping me understand what colleges want and demonstrate why I’m the best fit for them.”
Great reviews, no doubt. But honestly, I’ve left them all in my past.
Because now, it’s your turn to step into in the spotlight.
Tell me if I’m wrong...
You’ve probably spent hours reading essays that make yours feel like it was scribbled by a child.
Maybe you’ve tried using templates because the thought of asking AI to write your essay scares the shit out of you.
On top of that, admission officers seem to be watching your every move!
Maybe you’ve had too many deferrals that ended in rejections.
Or admissions that came without scholarships.
So you’re wondering if you’re going to make it this time...
Or scared that you’ll miss out again and let everyone down.
The truth is, you’re not alone.
What I’ve just decsribed is the reality of thousands of applicants out there.
But what if we could change everything? Not in some distant future, but right now.
Picture yourself months from today, your inbox pinging with the words you’ve been waiting to see: Congratulations, you’ve been accepted.
Imagine the relief washing over you as you step into a new country...
Or the thrills of finally taking lectures in a school you once dreamed about!
This could soon be your reality with this checklist.
And believe me...
No template… not even AI can match what this checklist can do for you.
Besides helping you win over the admissions team...
Experts believe it can “level the playing field for underrepresented students and reduce achievement pressure.”
So without further ado, let me unveil the secret checklist and show you how to make it work for you.
The Secret Checklist… Revealed
We’re seeing a remarkable shift in US college admissions.
And right now, this shift is forcing several colleges to assess students differently.
Luckily, I’ve traced the origin of this shift to a portion of the Harvard Graduate School report.
According to a popular New York Times Columnist, this report “sagely reflects on what’s wrong with college admissions and sets the stage for a revolution in the United States.”
That's why it gained massive endorsements from Deans everywhere.
Like Stu Schmill, the Dean of Admissions at MIT, who said:
“I was pleased to endorse this report along with more than 100 of my admissions colleagues around the country.”
Seeing over 100 deans rallying behind the report, I read it from cover to cover—and that was when it hit me: American colleges are zeroing in on a new quality.
Now, before you jump to conclusions—no, it’s not test scores, GPA or any of those metrics.
The Rules Have Changed!
According to the report, colleges are looking out for a new quality in applicants.
A character that goes beyond anything you’ve seen before.
They see it as “proof” of your genuine commitment to the future of mankind.
But I call it a “checklist” because experts from Harvard University recommend that:
Colleges “should clearly signify that [this quality] is highly valued in the admissions process.”
Unfortunately, this quality often gets suppressed by the society we live in.
Worst of all, many consultants and their “bestselling” guides fail to address this.
This explains why our undergraduate student population continues to decline each year.
Luckily, there’s a new way to weave this essential quality into your application...
And prove to these colleges that you embody the very virtue they value most.
That’s where my new book, The Essay Detective, comes into play.
What is The Essay Detective?
The Essay Detective is a collection of practical tips, timeless insights and closely-guarded secrets I’ve only shared with applicants in my community.
This is the only guide that teaches you how to leverage the new quality that levels the playing field for you.
I want you to think of it as a roadmap for getting into college. And not just any college, I’m talking about a place where you can grow and thrive.
This is a book I wish I had when I started my journey. It would’ve saved me hundreds of dollars and years of painful trial and error.
That’s because it reveals a new quality colleges now consider the gold standard for applicants—and teaches you how to weave it into your essays to potentially improve your chances of success.
But that’s half the bottle.
In this eye-opening guide, I expose seven essay mistakes that can send your application to the trash no matter how impressive your profile might be.
In my experience, these aren’t just common mistakes. They’re critical errors that could ruin your chances for good.
In a few minutes from now, I’ll show you how to spot them and, ultimately, how to fix them.
More importantly, with the The Essay Detective in your hands, you’ll know exactly how to tilt the odds in your favour.
As promised...
Here’s My Counterintuitive Approach to Crafting Winning Essays.
Over the years, I’ve reviewed countless essays, and unavoidably corrected the same mistakes.
Sometimes, it’s just frustrating. Not because students lack potential, but because they aren’t equipped to catch their own mistakes.
As more students began to reach out, I realised I needed a way to teach them to spot these mistakes themselves.
You see, when faced with such challenges, I always remind myself to think like a detective.
This mindset has become central to everything I do and teach.
In fact, it’s part of my mantra: to get ahead, you must first think like a detective and then act like a champion.
Here’s a practical example...
In the movie Sherlock Holmes, Holmes and Dr. Watson investigate what appears to be an accidental death at a construction site.
Everyone assumes it’s a tragic misap except Holmes.
Looking closely, Holmes spots faint footprints in the dust and a strange chemical scent in the air.
Then, he notices tiny scratches on a broken vial—a detail so small it’s almost invisible.
Eventually, those clues led him to the truth: the victim wasn’t killed by an accident; he was poisoned.
In many ways, you’re Sherlock Holmes, the essay detective.
Your essay is the crime scene and the applicant pool is the construction site.
Thinking like a detective is training yourself to spot those subtle mistakes that could lead your essay to the reject pile.
Will This Approach Make Your Essays Perfect?
No. But it will make them error-free. And that’s what really matters.
Imagine having the rare ability to spot your own mistakes before the admission committees catches on.
That’s what thinking like a detective does for you, and in The Essay Detective, I’ll show you how to do it right.
This leads me to the second part of my mantra:
“Act Like a Champion!”
Sure, you may not feel like one now.
You might even feel the opposite.
Maybe your grades aren’t where you want them to be or perhaps your profile doesn’t seem “strong” enough.
But I don’t buy that.
To me, being a champion is being self driven, self reliant and self motivated.
It is pushing through your challenges and fighting for your future relentlessly... just like you’re doing now.
I believe you’re a champion because you’re right here, on this page, making moves to secure your future.
But let’s be real here.
One strategy is not enough to craft a winning essay.
You’ll need more to put your application ahead of the competition.
So come with me; let me show you...
A Glimpse of What You’ll Find in The Essay Detective.
When you receive your copy of The Essay Detective today, you will discover:
☑ The surprising new quality colleges are using to select students for their incoming class. (Page 23)
☑ What NASA’s $327 million mistake can teach you about spelling errors—plus, why Grammarly and other spell checkers aren’t enough (all on page 54.)
☑ How thinking like Darwin’s Finches could give you instant clarity and save you hours of stressful revisions (on page 14.)
☑ Why one admission director believes you should STOP quoting Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., or anyone else in your essays—and what you can do instead. (Revealed on page 32)
☑ The Open Intrigue Technique that reels admission officers in from the first line and keeps them glued to the page without any pressure. (See page 28.)
☑ Two punctuation marks that expose ChatGPT’s fingerprints on your essays. (Hint: It’s not commas, periods or question marks. Learn more on page 46.)
☑ 7 critical mistakes that can send your application to the trash with the fourth one being grave enough to land you in jail. (See page 27 for more details)
☑ The Robert Lowth Violation that tells the admissions team you’re probably not ready for college (Page 63.)
☑ The “Unholy Trinity of Flaws” that can make your application memorable in a terrible way and how to erase them immediately on page 50.
☑ The Legal “CB Trigger” international students can pull to give their essays a subtle yet powerful edge, thanks to a 2023 Supreme Court ruling on page 30.
☑ How to share your tragic stories without sounding helpless or repelling admission officers like bees on page 12.
☑ Why Harvard experts say adding more extracurriculars could hurt your application and what they recommend you do instead.
☑ How to REVERSE-ENGINEER winning essays and make their secrets work for you without lifting a word.
☑ Plus many eye opening insights.
Now, you’re probably going to ask me:
How Much Does It Costs?
You’d agree with me that this isn’t one of those run-of-the-mill guides you’ll find on Amazon.
The Essay Detective is chock-full of ideas that can get (or keep) your creative juice flowing for as long as you need it to.
So the real question is: how much is this worth to you?
If you’re like me, you’ve probably lost hundreds of dollars on unsuccessful applications.
You’ve spent several hours online looking for ways to get an edge.
And you’ve invested your efforts into an essay only to get rejected without knowing why.
But what if we could make up for your lost time and opportunities?
How much would it be worth to you if I could help secure you a seat in one of your dream schools abroad?
What price would you put on the:
☑ clarity you’d gain from Darwin’s Finches?
☑ the unbeatable “CB” trigger from the Supreme Court?
☑ the eye opening insights from NASA’s multi million-dollar mistake?
☑ Or the dean-approved checklist you can use starting tonight?
The real answer? Priceless!
So here’s what I’ve decided:
The Essay Detective is Not For Sale.
You heard me right. You can’t buy it anywhere—not here, not anywhere else.
Put your credit card aside and hear me out.
I’m not one of those ‘influencers’ who charge ungodly fees and dish out worthless pieces of advice in return.
Since 2021, I’ve reviewed essays and helped students strengthen their application—without charging a dime. And that’s not about to change.
As I told you, I’m here to help you write essays that actually make a difference.
But after guiding 680+ students through the process of getting into the college of their dreams…
I realised I couldn’t keep up with the demand. There were too many students and not enough time.
So I decided to put all my knowledge into one resource. And that’s how The Essay Detective came to be.
Mind you, this isn’t one of those generic “how-to” guides online.
This is a distillation of my years of experience, 7 critical mistakes I’ve corrected endlessly, and the practical ideas that have worked for my students.
For that reason, I’ve reserved The Essay Detective exclusively for new members of The College Orchestra.
What’s The College Orchestra?
The College Orchestra is my new college advisory service.
It is the only place on earth where I provide honest and unbiased feedback on college applications.
A place where I empower students to craft essays (and applications) that get colleges to say "yes!"
Joining The College Orchestra gives you access to more than just The Essay Detective.
It connects you with a global community of students who are serious about taking their applications to the next level.
Each week, I send out insights, strategies, and updates that I don’t share anywhere else.
I’m talking about insights that have helped other students turn merely decent essays into acceptance letters.
But you don’t have to take my word for it.
Hear what some of my amazing students have to say.
All the way from Ghana, Asabea wrote:
“Joining this community and having access to you has been an enlightening and eye opening journey for me. Thanks to you, I’ve learned how to captivate readers in just a few sentences”
Muneeb, a young Pakistani said:
“Thank you for your kindness and support in this community. You have broadened my perspective on getting into US colleges. Keep up the good work!”
Here’s a lovely note from JohnBeloved:
“You are a great person. You taught me everything about applying to colleges. Thank you for making me understand that relying on AI for my essay is totally wrong. Some people I’ve met told me I can actually use that, but now I’ve realised that nobody knows my story better than I do.”
And here’s one more from Queen:
"Hi Collins, thank you so much for your guidance over the past few weeks! Your help with correcting my essay and the tips you gave me for applying to college were incredibly valuable. It’s given me more confidence in my application, and made me more prepared for the process. I appreciate all your support and advice—it’s made a real difference for me!"
Stories like these keep me going every day and I can’t wait to add yours to the list.
That’s why I’ve made The College Orchestra affordable to you no matter your age or background.
Frankly, you’d be shocked at how affordable it is—and the best part? It’s a one-time payment for lifetime access!
Here’s What You Get When Join The College Orchestra Today.
☑ College Gems: Each week, you’ll receive College Gems: an in-depth analyses of affordable schools with generous scholarships for international students.
These hidden gems offer quality education at a fraction of the cost. Best of all, each alert comes with valuable tips to help you decide if a gem is right for you.
☑ Free Essay Reviews: Need help with your essays? Send them in and get prompt feedback on structure, content, and clarity—free of charge!
☑ Close Support: You’ll also receive holistic support from me and my partner, Nenye—who consistently helps students like you get accepted into her alma mater and several other universities in the US.
☑ College Roundtable: Each month, we’ll have interactive sessions to address your top concerns and share updates on scholarships, financial aid and more.
☑ Exclusive Library: In here, you’ll find an array of resources to draw inspiration from and actionable ideas at every stage of your college journey.
☑ The Essay Detective: More importantly, as part of your membership, you’ll gain instant access to my comprehensive guide to crafting winning essays—no strings attached!
One more thing…
As a token of appreciation, I’m offering two EXCLUSIVE bonuses to help you...
Ditch Writer’s Block, Self-doubt, and Anxiety For Good!
First on the list is Powerful Essay Themes That Could Get You Noticed.
These are six themes to help you write essays that come straight from the heart.
As the name implies, this is a special collection of practical essay themes that let you express the “hidden” stories lurking inside of you.
These are stories you may have written off or probably never considered at all.
Regardless, these themes will inspire you to craft an essay that lingers in the minds of your readers.
Now, let me ask you a question:
Do you ever feel a last-minute pang of doubt before clicking the “submit” button?
I mean, you’ve worked hard on this application for months.
You’ve followed all the essay writing tips known to man…
And double-checked your work for hours but it feels like you’re still missing something.
This issue once made me submit my worst application without even knowing.
I call it “application anxiety” and I’ll show you how I transformed mine into a proof-reading tool in my latest guide: Quick Questions to Ask Before You Click Submit.
With the award-winning insights packed into each guide, most college consultants wouldn’t hesitate to charge $25 apiece.
However, when you join The College Orchestra today, you’ll gain instant access to both guides for FREE!
Let Me Show You How to Get Started.
Many "experts" and study-abroad agencies charge as high as $500 for a 30-minute essay review session.
But that’s NOTHING compared to what you’ll find in here.
I believe quality education should be accessible to everyone, not a select few.
That’s why I’m making the College Orchestra available to you for a fraction of its true value.
So here’s the deal:
If you’re one of the first 200 students who step forward today, you’ll gain lifetime access to the College Orchestra for just $6.
Seriously, for the price of a box of pizza, you’ll gain unrestricted access to:
☑ The Essay Detective: a comprehensive guide to writing killer essays by leveraging the hidden checklist endorsed by colleges. (Priceless)
☑ College Gems: a sneak peak into little-known colleges with great programs, generous scholarships and ZERO application fees. (This alone is worth $150 but you’d get it every week FREE of charge!)
☑ Free Essay Reviews: Get prompt feedback on structure, content, and clarity of your essays for FREE. (Priceless)
☑ Personal Support: Get 1-on-1 support from me, Nenye and the rest of the community. (Priceless)
☑ College Roundtable: Join us every month for a roundtable session on scholarships, financial aid and more. ($250 value)
☑ Exclusive Library: Draw inspiration and ideas from our collection of books, videos and resources at every stage of your college journey. ($250 value)
☑ Bonus Guide 1: “Powerful Essay Themes That Could Get You Noticed” - a practical guide to crafting essays that come from the heart. ($25 value)
☑ Bonus Guide 2: “Quick Questions to Ask Before You Click Submit” - a valuable guide to refining your essays and submitting your best work. ($25 value)
☑ In addition, I’m throwing in a crash course on The Only Mindset “Hack” You Need to Succeed as an International Applicant in 2025 (and Beyond)
☑ And finally, My 5 Step Checklist for Finding the Best Schools Abroad With Generous Scholarships And No Application Fees.
These resources are valued at over $600 but for a limited time only, I’m offering them to just 200 students for only $6.
That’s a 99% discount because I believe everyone deserves a chance to succeed without breaking the bank.
Now, I know $6 might feel like a lot, especially with the exchange rates.
But risking another application without this checklist could cost you much more.
To ease your worries, I’m taking the risk off your shoulders and placing it squarely on mine.
Here’s My 30-Day Double-Barrel Guarantee🛡️
I’m confident that The College Orchestra will transform the way you craft your essays and set you on a path toward your college goals.
To back that up, here’s my promise:
If you actively apply the strategies in the resources provided but don’t see noticeable improvement in your essays within 30 days, I’ll work with you until you achieve your goals.
And if, after 30 days of collaboration, you’re still not satisfied with your results, simply reach out to me with your completed work, and if everything checks out, I’ll issue a full refund.
As you can see, I’ve eliminated the risks, and now the choice is yours.
Click the button below to claim your 99% discount.
When you click that shiny red button...
You’ll be redirected to a secure order page where you can pay in your local currency.
As a matter of fact, all payments are processed securely through Flutterwave, of the most trusted platforms in the Africa.
And to make things easier for you, I’ve converted the $6 fee into naira using the most stable exchange rate, so there are no surprises.
And don’t worry about the VAT—I’m covering that, too!
Once you submit your payment, you’ll receive my “Welcome to the College Orchestra” email within fifteen seconds.
In that email, you’ll find a private invitation to join our community and have your essays transformed for good.
Unfortunately, thousands of students are reading this right now so I can’t guarantee this offer will last beyond the first 200 folks.
Click the red button below to secure a spot before it’s too late.
Look, if you’re still skeptical, I just want to say that it’s normal.
Getting access to all these resources for mere pennies might seem too good to be true.
But here’s the sad truth:
The College Orchestra is NOT For Everyone.
I’ve set a one-time fee for two reasons:
To repel cheapskates who want to take advantage of my resources without putting in the effort themselves.
And to cover the costs of delivering this valuable information to you.
Honestly, it costs me about $6 daily to share this letter with you, so when you think about it, you’re essentially getting access to the community for FREE.
If you’re serious about using this checklist to create your best application yet, then I welcome you to join us.
But if you’re not ready to put in the work, this isn’t the place for you.
Our community is built on trust, support and more importantly, results.
That’s why we’re loved by international applicants around the globe.
Like Roman who transformed his application:
“You helped me when no one else would and corrected a lot of ‘hidden’ mistakes in my essay. Without you, I don’t think I would have had high hopes with my application.”
Or Rehman who’s impressed by the level of support:
“I want to appreciate your productive presence in this community. You have been kind and supportive to every member. I love the way you comprehensively address the queries raised by anyone.”
Or Nice who’s more confident than ever:
“Joining this community has increased my confidence and clarity in the college application process. Your feedback on my essays has not only strengthened my application. It has groomed me for the next stage of my journey.”
And Kingsley who found his path:
“I joined this community a short while ago but I’ve been blessed by your timely advice and wisdom. You have laid the framework for anyone intending to apply to their dream universities and that includes me.”
I’m proud to see that my insights resonate with everyone, especially students from non-English speaking countries.
This time, with the dean-approved checklist and The Essay Detective in my hand, I’m hoping to save hundreds of applications from landing in the trash.
But there are only 200 spots available and once they’re gone, I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do.
From this point, it’s up to you.
You’ve seen how US colleges are drifting away from traditional admission policies.
They’re using a little-known checklist to decide who gets in and who doesn’t.
I believe this checklist is your fastest route to getting ahead of the competition in 2025.
I used it in my essays and secured $198,000 in merit scholarships.
Esther did the same and bagged a cool spot at Claflin University.
Kelvin used it and got accepted into schools in the United States and Germany.
And Elizabeth? She tried it and smashed her school’s 30-year athletic record!
While I can’t guarantee that you’ll see results like these, I believe you could achieve a lot more when you start tilting the odds in your favor.
Tap the button below and let me show you how to craft an application that can get colleges to say “yes!” to you.
I’ve shown you the origin of this checklist.
I’ve explained how you can weave it into your essays.
And I’ve shared a detective’s approach that makes them error-free.
Plus, I’ve added free gifts to help you gain clarity, ditch anxiety, and save time.
Now I Need You To Make Up Your Mind.
Imagine yourself waking up tomorrow knowing you’re this close to achieving your dreams.
Not only that, you’ve secured scholarships worth tens of thousands of dollars and freed your family from financial strains.
And now? You’re pursuing the career of your dreams... building global connections... and creating a stream of opportunities that could change your life!
Simply because you used a little-known checklist to tilt the odds in your favour.
Sounds amazing right?
Unfortunately, the reality is that college admissions can be very brutal.
That’s why I’ve taken the time to explain how this checklist could save your application from landing in the reject pile.
But the ball’s in your court now.
So tell me...
Will you walk out on this lifechanging opportunity?
I mean, if you already have I-20s from your dream schools, you probably don’t need this checklist.
But if you don’t have an I-20 yet, how would you feel watching other students getting theirs with the same checklist you missed?
Don’t you think you deserve to be rewarded for your efforts and dedication after all these years?
That’s why I recommend you...
Join The College Orchestra today to shorten your learning curve...
☑ Overcome your self-doubt.
☑ And prove to everyone that you are capable of greatness!
Don’t let this opportunity slip out of your hands.
Tap the button to claim your spot in The College Orchestra now before it’s too late.
Thank you for sticking with me today.
Once again, my name is Collins.
And I want to see you win!
Collins Austine.
Founder, The College Orchestra.
PS: For those who skipped to the end, here’s what you missed:
The rules have changed.
American colleges are now using a little-known checklist to select students for their incoming class.
And while this may be news to you, it’s already common knowledge among domestic applicants.
Unfortunately, despite wide coverage by major media outlets, many internationals are still in the dark.
This is why domestic students are filling up those spots while students like you—who contribute billions of dollars to the U.S. economy—are facing devastating rejections.
In my new book, The Essay Detective, I’m going LIVE with the new checklist colleges use behind closed doors...
I’m revealing a step-by-step process to weaving it into your application...
And I’m sharing 7 essay mistakes that can send your application to the trash no matter how strong your profile might be.
This guide is free for all new members of my community, The College Orchestra along with my Powerful Essay Themes That Can Get You Noticed and Quick Questions to Ask Before You Click Submit.
But that’s not all.
As a token of appreciation, I’m offering two exclusive bonuses:
☑ The Only Mindset “Hack” You Need to Succeed as an International Applicant in 2025 (and Beyond)...
And lastly...
☑ My 5 Step Checklist for Finding the Best Schools Abroad With Generous Scholarships And No Application Fees.
All I ask in return is that you pay a tiny one-time fee of $6 for lifetime access to The College Orchestra.
This opportunity is open to 200 students only and backed by my 30-DAY DOUBLE BARREL GUARANTEE.
Which means that if you don’t see significant essay improvement within 30 days, I’ll work with you until you achieve your goals.
And if, after 30 days of collaboration, you’re still not satisfied with your results, simply reach out to me with your completed work, and if everything checks out, I’ll issue a full refund.
Now that I’ve eliminated the risks, don’t lose your spot to another student. If you do, you might have to work twice as hard.
Remember, you have a 99% discount to claim. Sign up now...